Tuesday, November 13, 2018

A Country of Quitters?

Are we in a quitters economy? 

As unemployment nears a 50-year low, employees are quitting at unprecedented rates - almost 3% every month.  The lesson?  Don’t ignore a great candidate just because they’ve recently started a new job. The data says they might surprise you with their decision to move on within the first 90 days.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

What is Quantum Computing!?

IBM’s Jerry Denman presented “Quantum Computers” for UWIT’s November meeting.  In addition to learning about this futuristic topic, we had a great time #social #networking and making new friends.  We couldn’t decide which was cooler: quantum computers or Jerry’s blockchain socks and skull cufflinks?  #tech #science #ibm #quantumcomputing #physics #yeahTHATgreenville

Be sure to follow us on social media and mark your calendars for our holiday party and gift exchange on December 13! 

Go to www.UWITSC.com for more information!

Monday, November 5, 2018

Using LinkedIn to Find a Job

I read an article by Kate Lopaze yesterday that I found interesting.  My conclusion after reading it is that using LinkedIn can be somewhat counter-intuitive at times.  Or another way to put it, a user of the medium needs to understand what LinkedIn can and canNOT do in order to effectively leverage it.

Additionally, here are my main take-ways from the article:

  • Keep your content current - seems like a "no-brainer", but it's tougher than you think!
  • Ensure your profile settings are consistent with your objectives
  • Make your profile stand out!
  • Use your connections to make new connections
  • Target specific companies/industries, and don't be afraid to reach out
We use LinkedIn every day here at PR to find candidates, so you should be using it to find a job if you're in the market.  Good luck!  TC

Friday, November 2, 2018

The PR Team Welcomes Sarah Parmelee!

We are happy to welcome our newest Head Huntress, Sarah Parmelee to the Perceptive Recruiting Team!  Sarah has a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Clemson University, and comes to us with several years of Human Resource experience. 

Sarah enjoys outdoor activities like hiking, camping, scuba diving, and adventuring.  

FUN FACTS: She was bit by a sting ray and still has the scar to prove it, was almost robbed by a monkey in Costa Rica, and she is obsessed with her cat, Arya #gameofthrones.

Welcome, Sarah!

@clemsonworld @clemsonuniv @ClemsonAlumni #gotigers #clemsonpride #techtalent #recruiting #yeahTHATgreenville